How Collagen Fuel works

Need for smarter supplements

A common complaint when taking traditional collagen supplements is the ineffectiveness of the product. Traditional supplements can deliver as little as 10% of the nutrients they contain into your body. That’s because acids in the stomach break down the nutrients before they can reach the bloodstream.


What are collagen peptides?

Collagen is the most abundant component of our skin. It is the decisive protein that determines the appearance of our skin. The Dermis (inner layer of our skin) retains water and supports a smooth, firm, and strong skin. 

Different factors speed up the aging process of the skin, including intrinsic aging, irradiation, consumption of a non-balanced diet, and deficiencies in micronutrients, leading to an age-dependent collagen loss in the skin.


Why is supplementation required ?

After the age of 20, our skin loses 1.5% collagen each year. Our body's natural ability to produce collagen also diminishes. Collagen formation significantly diminishes in mature skin and the biomatrix of the skin begins to collapse. 

This results in the skin sagging, wrinkles, dullness, and other skin problems. 

Studies have shown that rejuvenation of the biomatrix can be effectively improved through a supply of sufficient nutrients via the bloodstream which is best done through oral administration of bioactive collagen peptides.


Not all collagen is created equal - Some are better

Collagen fuel has been developed by leading scientists and is designed to provide a perfect ratio of liquid to active ingredients to create one of the most advanced, potent, effective, and bio-available anti-aging skincare products on the market today

Collagen fuel is an alternative approach to your skincare regime - a drink that promotes better looking skin from the inside out.


The Collagen in Collagen Fuel: Why it stands out


Our innovation is in our formulation process and our premium ingredient list.

 Drinking Collagen Fuel stimulates your body’s natural collagen production and promotes self-sufficiency for long-lasting effects.

It delivers essential micronutrients in liquid form with an unmatched absorption rate of 95-99% 

Our landmark formulation technology uses-


1-Low molecular weight

The low molecular weight of collagen makes it more bioavailable with 99% absorbed within the first 12 hours.


2- 5500 mg Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen Peptides

The process of hydrolysis breaks collagen down into small molecular fragments to facilitate direct absorption.


3- Innovative liquid formulation

Liquid formulation functions sublingually and isotonically ensuring that our collagen peptides and essential micronutrients achieve an absorption rate of 95-99% - A level that can never be matched by tablets, or powders suspended in solution.


How do we achieve a 95%- 99% absorption rate?

Unlike collagen powders and collagen tablets, our liquid collagen is already broken down into small functional amino acids. The collagen peptides are refined and hydrolyzed so that they get readily absorbed into our bloodstream. 

Our liquid collagen does not need further breaking so it does not require the acids to work on it. This is the main reason why liquid formulation is much superior to any other form. This scientific advancement allows us to achieve our unmatched absorption rate.

Comprehensive formulation for the most efficient results

Collagen Fuel is a perfect blend of ingredients working synergistically to provide optimum output.

The peptides are characterized by a high contribution of amino acid sequences from marine collagen and are combined with specific synergistically acting derma nutrients like Vitamin c, Hyaluronic acid Vitamin B complex, N-Acetyl-d-glucosamine, and more.

These nutrients are essential for natural collagen formation and maintaining the collagen matrix. They also provide vital protection for the skin by boosting the immune system and reducing free-radical damage.